Our reviewers include physicians, chiropractors, physical and occupational therapists and psychologists. All physicians are in active practice and are Board Certified in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Preventive Medicine, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Orthopedic Surgery, Pain Management, Internal Medicine or Infectious Disease.
The OEHN advantage is a strong analytical review with a well-written, defensible report with timely delivery on every file. All recommendations include the applicable evidence based medicine guideline and specific clinical rationale.
For more information, contact us at
(508) 251-7260
OEHN’s clients are disability, workers’ compensation and group health carriers, self-insured employers, managed care and utilization review companies and third-party administrators.
Medical Records Review: Evaluating the medical necessity of a specific treatment, service or medication; addressing claims issues such as causation/work-relatedness and return-to-work; impairment rating assessments and addressing unique occupational issues such as indoor air quality and toxicological reviews
Specialty Review: Includes litigation, expert opinions and settlement, MSA’s and catastrophic claim reviews
Peer-to-Peer Contact: Telephonic attempts available with all reviews